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We Started with just Wrestling, and have grown from there. News, Wrestling, Comedy, Psychology, Gaming, anything that can fit in. This isnt just about 1 Topic, its about so much more then. The WNC is now to be a Network of all, with the Letters WNC standing for whatever we want it to speak. It can still stand for Wrestling's National Committee, or We're Not Crazy (Trust me that will come to play for the Psychology), or even "We're Now Complete", which sounds perfect for us now. Whether we are on Mixlr iRadio, or on Twitch TV, or on Youtube, the Conglomerate of Shows that are within the Network holds a Wide reach of ability to watch, listen, and enjoy. We welcome Listeners, Viewers, and possibly even other shows that want to join the Network. Welcome to the WNC Network. Lets all Enjoy the Ride Together!

WNC Breaking News on FITE TV
Here on Breaking News we discuss the... well the breaking news of the Wrestling World. We take the biggest news items of wrestling and discuss and analyze. This is a Wrestling News Show. like CNN, Fox News, & the BBC... We dont have a monotone Englishman like on the BBC, but we have an annoying Irishman, so thats close. We only cover about 4-6 topics and analyze them for roughly 15-20 minutes a pop.
The Show is available on FITE TV at this link

It's Pathetic w/ Scott & Ryyebread on Mixlr- Tuesdays @ 7:30 PM EST
You Like News? Pop Culture? Anything that is being talked on ABC, CBS, CNN, And whatever TMZ is covering because of course they are? Well if it is even Slightly Pathetic, Scott and Ryyebread are on the Case.... The Case in talking and ranting about the stupidest of things and wonder how it ever became the News or why it isnt News Enough.
Listen Live at

Transcontinental Project (T C P) on Mixlr- Tuesdays @ 10:15 PM EST
Ever Wonder what a Texan and a Brit are like in a Full Conversation? Well thats what you get when you listen to British Luke Birch and Texas Sensible Sam go on for many different topics. Comparing Local and National News, Even Different Foods of each other. Think of it like Hannity & Colmes, but on the International Apolitical Standard rather the Different Political Party Standard
Listen Live at this link
Get in Da Corner Comedy on Mixlr- Wednesdays @ 9:00 PM EST
You Like Comedy? You like Prank Calls? You like talking about anything and finding pure fun and comedy in it? That is what you are getting when DoggaBaby and YukNassty are in Da Corner. Within a 3 hour span, your cheeks will be hurting after laughing at some of the stunts that are happening on the air. From Prank Calls to actual people and businesses, to the Comedy of Modern News going on. You will NEVER want to get Out of Da Corner
WNC SOUPer Party- Thurs after Wrestling Soup
This is where we just relax and.... well lets just say it. We bullshit and goof off, and even get hot headed and just voice out our crap at whoever in the wrestling world, or even the real world that pissed us off. They even happen right after Wrestling Soup's Thursday Night's show so if you are not done enjoying yourself yet. This is always a fun time to listen in and see us attack each other like a couple of Stupid Idiots (Y2J Pun Intended). But we even have serious topics at times and that is the surprise fun.
Reality Check w/ Johny Florida- Every other Saturday
Psychology is Everything. Whether we talk Sports, Politics, News, Work, anything in the World, There is always Psychology. Every Action, Incident, Moment, They all have the Who's, the What's, and the Why's. From Depression and Suicide, to Holidays, to Religion, Johny conducts a Non-Biased Analysis on each topic and gets down to the Bare Bones and Psychology in the Topic at Hand.

Conspiracies in Kayfabe
Racism by the bosses, Relationships that bring success, a Murder Suicide that still has more questions than there are answers. After taking a 2 year Hiatus, Conspiracies in Kayfabe has returned. Covering the biggest Conspiracies in the Wrestling World, CiK reviews circumstantial evidence and items over the years of each conspiracy. Like a Court Case, there is the Prosecution, the Defense, the presentation of evidence, the Final Statement, and Finally the Jury Vote.
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