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Reality Check Psychology
- Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, Archaeology.... These are the studies of Humans from 4 avenues: The Mind, The Culture and Reactions, our Bodies and Bones, and our Man-Made Creations like the Pyramids and the Parthenon. With a Bi-Weekly Dose of a Reality Check if you will by Johny Florida, the Psychological and Sociological regions of this are definitely covered. Influenced by the News coverage and the incidents of Suicides by Celebrities Anthony Bourdain & Kate Spade, The Reality Check was created to have a whole new avenue of the Amateur Opinion if you will of Human actions and reactions to nearly anything.
- Psychology and Sociology have always been of interest to Johny. With a Previous Life of being a Military Policeman, Johny has learned that Investigating The Human Mind and Human Reactions to nearly anything can be done the exact same way as investigating Incidents and Crimes. Everything involves the "5 W HATs" Process: Who, What, Where, When, Why, How, & Action Taken afterwards, the most significant questions being Who, What, and Why. With this, Johny has conducted many episodes thus far covering wide array.
- From discussing Suicide & Depression in the 1st Episode, to voering many others such as Video Game Addiction, Religion, Fame & Notoriety, Social Media, And Veterans, No topic will ever be off limits from receiving a Reality Check. As well, a Mini Series within the Reality Check is covered by Johny with "The Vices" Series. Covering any Vice that holds an Addictive power to it, Johny has covered Drugs, Tobacco,and even the Vice of Power, yes that's a Vice if used and desired the wrong way.

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