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The News of Pro Wrestling is like Politics, Its annoying, stupid, and always has a reason to the madness. Breaking News, and to a point the Souper Party cover, analyze, and comment on the stupidity within the news. Breaking News covers the news of All the Pros: WWE, ROH, Impact, NJPW, AAA, LU, AEW, CMLL, & etc. The Souper Party is usually 80% or more NON- Wrestling, but will discuss some of the biggest news in the world, alongside may follow a discussion happening on Wrestling Soup which airs right before the Souper Party.

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WNC Florida Heavyweight Championship

You know when there are stars that has done so much, they deserve to be in the HOF, but you know WWEvil Empire will never put them in... well that's where we come in. the WNC Hall of Fame is a small appreciation to those that are worthy in the eyes of the Fans.
Rules: STARTING 2018
- Each Host will nominate 1 wrestler for each Hall of Fame and Shame
- If an odd number, Emails from fans will be accepted and the most named from the emails will be added, 1 apiece
- After that, posts will be made on social media for the fans to vote. Whoever gets most votes in each Hall Polls wins the nomination.

Chris Benoit
1x WCW World Champion
1x World Heavyweight Champion
4x WWF Intercontinental Champion
4x Stampede British Commonwealth Mid-Heavyweight Champion
1x IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion
1x ECW Tag Team Champion
***While Many Fans do not support this Vote, its important to remember the Fans voted & by a Wide Margin, the Fans voted in a landslide to Benoit. WNC does not endorse the actions he's alleged to have committed but honour the Fans' Votes for him and will respect their voice***

2x WWF Intercontinental Champion
1x WWF Womens Champion
1x IWF Womens Champion
2019 WWE Hall of Fame

You know that Guy that thinks he's all that but they are actually all nothing... well that's the Sh-Famers. the Hall of Sh-Fame is for those in Wrestling that think they are worthy of Fame, but they are nothing but Shame. With Virgil and his Traveling Table the 1st inductee, the precedent is set to show that not everyone who made it big is worthy of praise, honor, and fame.

Nikki Bella
Makes Herself the Main Event
Thinks she started the Revolution
Wants all the Spotlight
Broke AJ Lee's Record w/o defending

Vince Russo
Destroyed WWF Wrestling with Entertainment
Destroyed WCW in its Dying Days
Ruined TNA
All around Scared Man
(Restraining order against Cornette to Boot)

AWA International Champion (1x)
AWA Southern Tag Champion (1x)
WWF Million Dollar Champion (1x)
Carries a Table to random places
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